Nordic Bonds
Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA
EUR 40,000,000
Senior Unsecured Callable Bonds
ISIN: SE0011337054
Terms & Conditions
Company description
Financial Statements
- Annual Financial Statements
- Semi-annual Interim Reports
27. Juni 2019
Hertha Berlin and Tennor form key strategic partnership. Investment from Tennor builds on continued success of Bundesliga club. Hertha Berliner Sport-Club GmbH & Co. KGaA ('Hertha BSC' or the ‘Club’) is pleased to announce it has formed a strategic partnership with Tennor Holding B.V. (‘Tennor’), a global investment holding company. The agreement includes an initial equity investment of EUR 125 million and provides Tennor with a minority stake of 37.5 per cent in the Club. In addition, Tennor will have the option to increase its stake up to 49.9 per cent at a higher valuation. Seven months after the buy-back of shares and options (a total of 36.3 per cent for EUR 71.2 million) from investor KKR, a global investment firm, the new partnership will facilitate, amongst other things, a substantial repayment of liabilities and in coming years, future-proof the Club.
There will be increased investment in the team and its players, an enhanced digital strategy and better marketing of the club around the world. The Club’s Board of Directors and its Presidential Board, as well as the Supervisory Board and Advisory Council of the KGaA (partnership limited by shares) have given their unanimous consent to the agreement. Dr. Torsten-Jörn Klein, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hertha BSC, said: "This is an exciting milestone in Hertha BSC’s history. We will use these new resources to develop the club and ensure it has an even more successful future. The Supervisory Board, in its function as committee of the proprietor Hertha BSC e.V., has given its unanimous consent". Werner Gegenbauer, President of Hertha BSC, said: "Today is a great day for Hertha BSC.
It places the club in a much stronger financial position and preserves its culture." Michael Preetz, Sporting Director of Hertha BSC, said: "We have ambitious plans to make the team even more successful both in Germany and in European competitions in what an increasingly competitive environment." Ingo Schiller, Commercial Manager of Hertha BSC, said: "I am proud and pleased that our continuous efforts at Hertha BSC have paid off so quickly following the buy-back of the KKR shares. This result is also thanks to the very trusting and professional discussions held with Tennor. I would like to express my particular thanks to all those involved at Hertha and also to our external advisors." Lars Windhorst, Founder of Tennor Holding B.V., said: "We are making a long-term commitment to build on Hertha BSC’s success, both on and off the pitch to harness the unique culture and ethos that sits at the heart of this fantastic club. The stable revenue base and impressive management team convinced us to enter into this strategic partnership. "We also hope to develop further the club’s digital strategy for the benefit of fans, wherever they are. Hertha BSC is an essential part of the fabric of Berlin, one of the most dynamic and innovative communities in Europe. "For me personally it is also a great pleasure to be able to contribute towards the economic future of this magnificent Berlin club, one that I’m proud to support. Hertha BSC is a great sporting institution, which now faces an even brighter future."
03. Januar 2019
Approval of Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA as new Issuer on Nasdaq First North
As of today Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien (KGaA) has been approved as an issuer of Fixed Income instruments on Nasdaq First North Bond Market, Stockholm. The Company Description is hereby disclosed (see attachment).
05. November 2018
Hertha BSC platziert Anleihe vollständig am KapitalmarktDie Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA hat eine unbesicherte Anleihe mit einem Volumen von 40 Millionen Euro vollständig und deutlich vor Ablauf der Zeichnungsfrist im Rahmen einer Privatplatzierung emittiert.Frankfurt/Berlin – Die Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA hat eine unbesicherte Anleihe mit einem Volumen von 40 Millionen Euro vollständig und deutlich vor Ablauf der Zeichnungsfrist im Rahmen einer Privatplatzierung emittiert. Diese wurde ausschließlich an institutionelle Investoren in Deutschland und dem europäischen Ausland zu einem Zinssatz von 6,5 % begeben und hat eine Laufzeit von 5 Jahren.Dem voraus ging eine europäisch angelegte Roadshow, die es ermöglichte, eine breite Basis an nationalen und internationalen Investoren zu gewinnen. Die emissionsbegleitenden Banken waren die equinet Bank AG und Pareto Securities. Die Anleihe wird an den Börsen in Frankfurt und Stockholm handelbar sein.Ingo Schiller, Geschäftsführer Finanzen von Hertha BSC, sagt: "Die erstmalige Begebung einer institutionellen Anleihe ist ein großer Erfolg für Hertha BSC. Wir möchten uns bei den begleitenden Banken und vor allem bei den Investoren, die uns ihr Vertrauen geschenkt haben, bedanken. Die erfolgreiche Emission ist Beleg für die gute wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des Vereins und bildet damit eine gute Basis für die nächsten Entwicklungsschritte von Hertha BSC."Christoph Demuth, General Manager der equinet Bank AG, ergänzt: "Die in den aktuell sehr volatilen Märkten erfolgreich abgeschlossene Transaktion belegt deutlich, dass die Investment Story von Hertha BSC von den institutionellen Investoren in vielen europäischen Ländern verstanden und als höchst attraktiv angesehen wurde. Der Kapitalmarkt, als bankenunabhängige Finanzierungsquelle, sieht die seit Jahren stark wachsende Branche Fußball als neue, interessante Anlageklasse, die nicht zyklisch ist und mit vorhersehbaren, stabilen Cash Flows punktet."Max Moser, Pareto Securities, fügt hinzu: "Wie erst einige wenige Male zuvor wurde von einem deutschen Emittenten eine Anleihe nach dem im skandinavischen Raum etablierten Nordic Format begeben, das aufgrund der hohen Transparenz und Qualitätskriterien und unter Einbindung einer von Beginn an aufgesetzten Treuhänderstruktur, dem sogenannten Nordic Trustee, dem Emittenten und den Investoren höchstmögliche Standards bietet."
Release (30.06.23):
Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA – Record Date and Payment Date set for Consent Fee
Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA informs in accordance with the notice of written procedure dated 22 May 2023 relating to the amendment and restatement of the terms and conditions of its outstanding up to EUR 40,000,000 senior unsecured bonds 2018/2023 with ISIN SE0011337054 that the Consent Fee Record Date has been set to 30 June 2023 and the payment of the Consent Fee is expected to occur on 7 July 2023.
Release (26.06.23):
Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA – Amended terms and conditions entered into force
Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA (the "Company") informs that it has entered into an agreement with Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ) relating to the amendment and restatement of the terms and conditions of the Company's outstanding up to EUR 40,000,000 senior unsecured bonds 2018/2023 with ISIN SE0011337054 after the successful completion of a written procedure that the Company initiated on 22 May 2023. The amended terms and conditions thereby entered into force and are available on the Company’s website at https://www.herthabsc.com/en/club/nordic-bonds-investor-relations-overview.
Ad-Hoc Release (19.06.23):
Publication of inside information pursuant to Article 17 MAR
Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA: Nordic Bond 2018/2023
Keyword: Nordic Bond
Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA – Approval of written procedure and amendments to the terms and conditions of the bonds
Berlin, 19 June 2023. Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA (the "Company") today was informed by Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ) (the "Nordic Trustee") about the successful completion of the written procedure that the Company initiated on 22 May 2023 in relation to the Company's outstanding up to EUR 40,000,000 Senior Unsecured Bonds 2018/2023 with ISIN SE0011337054(the "Bonds"), regarding certain amendments to the terms and conditions of the Bonds (the "Proposal").
A sufficient number of bondholders participated in the written procedure in order to form a quorum. Furthermore, the requisite majority of the bondholders voted in favour to approve the Proposal.
The amendments will become effective as soon as possible by the entering into of an amendment and restatement agreement between the Company and the Nordic Trustee acting as agent under the Bonds.
Ad-Hoc Release (14.06.23):
Publication of inside information pursuant to Article 17 MAR
Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA: Nordic Bond 2018/2023
Keyword: Nordic Bond
Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA resolves to improve offer to bondholders in ongoing written procedure – largest bondholders approve offer
Berlin, June 14, 2023. Hertha BSC Verwaltung GmbH, the general partner of Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien (KGaA), ("Company") today resolved to improve the offered terms in the written procedure published on May 22, 2023 ("Written Procedure") in accordance with the terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions") of the Company’s 6.5% 2018/2023 unsubordinated unsecured nordic bonds (ISIN: SE0011337054) in the outstanding aggregate principal amount of EUR 40,000,000 ("Bonds") issued on November 8, 2018. In this regard, the Company has today reached an agreement with one of the largest bondholders and Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ) in favor of all bondholders that will apply if the Written Procedure (or any subsequent written procedure if quorum is not met) is approved.
Instead of the previously offered 8.5% p.a., the Company is now offering bondholders an interest rate of 10.5% p.a. from the interest payment date on August 8, 2023. The agreement also applies to a possible further written procedure, which the Company intends to initiate if the quorum required to amend the Terms and Conditions is not reached in the currently ongoing Written Procedure.
The Company has now, after the consent of the largest bondholder, also received the consent of the second-largest bondholder to the offer submitted in the Written Procedure (in its adjusted form). With the approvals already received, the Company currently has received approvals for a total of approximately 22% of the nominal amount of the Bonds. The Company is not aware of any dissenting votes to date. The improved offer applies to all bondholders, including those who have already cast their votes, provided that the quorum and majority requirements are ultimately met. It is therefore not necessary for a bondholder that has already voted to re-submit its vote.
With the granting of the license to participate in the Bundesliga 2 in the upcoming season, the Company has achieved an important interim step towards consolidation. Notwithstanding this, the extension of the term of the Bond represents an important component of the Company's liquidity planning for the upcoming season. It therefore again asks all bondholders to approve the proposed amendments to the Terms and Conditions of the Bond in their improved version until June 19, 2023. Details of how to vote are published on the Company's website at https://www.herthabsc.com/en/club/nordic-bonds-investor-relations-overview.
Investor Update Call
Hertha BSC is hosting an Investor Update Call on Tuesday (May 30, 2023) at 4:00 PM, with Thomas E. Herrich (Managing Director of Hertha BSC) and Josh Wander (Managing Partner of 777 Partners). Bondholders who are interested can participate in this call, which will be conducted via Microsoft Teams.
The link for interested investors is as follows: Hertha BSC Bond Investor Update
Ad-Hoc Release (22.05.23):
Disclosure of an inside information according to Article 17 of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (MAR)
Keyword: Nordic Bond
Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA decides to initiate a written procedure to amend the terms and conditions of its 6,5% 2018/2023 Nordic Bonds
Berlin, 22 May 2023. Hertha BSC Verwaltung GmbH, the general partner of Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien (KGaA), (“Company”) today resolved to initiate a written procedure (“Written Procedure”) pursuant to clauses 15 et seq. of the terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) of the Company’s 6,5% 2018/2023 senior unsecured callable bonds (ISIN: SE0011337054) issued on 8 November 2018 in an outstanding total nominal amount of EUR 40,000,000 (“Bonds”), with the aim of amending the Terms and Conditions. In particular, the Company proposes an extension of the maturity of the Bonds by 24 months until 8 November 2025, an increase of the interest rate from 6.5% p.a. to 8.5% p.a. as of the interest payment date 8 August 2023 and a realignment of the Permitted Debt. Furthermore, the redemption amounts for an early redemption of the Bonds shall be increased, staggered by redemption date.
Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ) as the agent under the Terms and Conditions will distribute the notice to the Written Procedure on 22 May 2023. The Written Procedure will commence on 26 May 2023 and end on 19 June 2023. The record date for being able to vote in the Written Procedure is 26 May 2023. The notice for the Written Procedure and the voting form can be found on the Company’s investor relations website (https://www.herthabsc.com/en/club/nordic-bonds-investor-relations). The quorum requirement for the Written Procedure is a participation of Bondholders representing at least 50% of the total nominal amount of the Bond. The consent to the Company’s request in the Written Procedure requires bondholders to vote in favour of the proposal representing at least 66 2/3 % of the nominal amount for which Bondholders reply in the Written Procedure. The result of the Written Procedure is expected to be published on 19 June 2023.
The Company has engaged Pareto Securities AS, Frankfurt Branch, as its financial advisor in relation to the Written Procedure.
A Bond Investor Call will take place on 30 May 2023. Dial-ins will be provided on the Company’s website on the day before.
For further questions to the Issuer, regarding the request, please contact Björn Bäring, Director Finance, bjoern.baering@herthabsc.de or +49 (0)30 300 9280.
For further questions regarding the administration of the Written Procedure please contact Nordic Trustee, Frankfurt Branch: germany@nordictrustee.com or +49 (0)176 1302 3002.
Detailed information about the procedure can be found here:
08. November 2018
1. Angaben zu den Personen, die Führungsaufgaben wahrnehmen, sowie zu den in enger Beziehung zu ihnen stehenden Personena) Name: Ingo Schiller
2. Grund der Meldung
a) Position / Status: Geschäftsführer
b) Erstmeldung / Berichtigung: Erstmeldung
3. Angaben zum Emittenten, zum Teilnehmer am Markt für Emissionszertifikate, zur Versteigerungsplattform, zum Versteigerer oder zur Auktionsaufsicht
Name: Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA
LEI: 967600F3Z309ZOQPLI844.
Angaben zum Geschäft / zu den Geschäften:
a) Beschreibung des Finanzinstruments, Art des Instruments
Kennung: Schuldtitel (Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA - Anleihe: 6,500% bis 08.11.2023, WKN: A2NBK3 / ISIN: SE0011337054)
b) Art des Geschäfts: Erwerb. Das Geschäft steht nicht mit der Teilnahme an einem Belegschaftsaktienprogramm im Zusammenhang.
c) Preis: € 100.000,00, Volumen: € 200.000,00
d) Aggregierte Informationen: Einzelgeschäft: € 200.000,00
e) Datum des Geschäfts: Einbuchung: 2018-11-08
f) Ort des Geschäfts: außerhalb eines Handelsplatzes
Sprache: Deutsch
Unternehmen: Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA
Hanns-Braun-Straße, Friesenhaus 2
14053 Berlin
Internet: www.herthabsc.de
Historical financial data is available through the following link www.bundesanzeiger.de
Articles of Association Hertha BSC GmbH & Co. KGaA
Hertha BSC - Boards